Aging of Current Pending Cases
Definition: The age of the active case that are pending before the court, measured as the number of days from filing until the time of the measurement.
Purpose: Cases filed but not yet disposed make up the court's pending caseload. Having a complete and accurate inventory of active pending cases was well as tracking their number and age is important because this pool of cases potentially required court action. Examining the age of pending cases makes clear, or example, the number and type of cases drawing near or about to surpass the court's case processing time standards. Once the age spectrum of cases is determined, the court can focus attention on what is required to ensure cases are brought to completion within reasonable time frames.
Types of Cases in this Data: This data includes all Criminal Complex, Criminal Non-Complex, Civil, Family, and Business cases.
The definitions and purpose noted above are taken from the National Center for State Courts Model Time Standards for State Trail Courts Report.
Description of the Tiles Below: The visualizations show the average age by case type for Criminal, Civil and Family cases.