All People are Self-Sufficient

For most adults and families, self-sufficiency means being able to meet their basic needs with minimal public assistance or private assistance. However, we acknowledge that there are times at which families and individuals will find themselves in a vulnerable situation and lose their ability to be self-sufficient. It is Fulton County’s responsibility to connect our residents to the right resources at the right time to ensure these periods of dependency are rare, brief, and non-recurring. For those most vulnerable in our society, seniors and intellectually and developmentally disabled (IDD) persons, self-sufficiency means being able to age in place and avoid institutionalization. Fulton County is responsible for providing a safe space where our most vulnerable populations can receive the care and community support they need.
Strategic Level Measures 
Strategic performance measures track activities which often extend beyond the power of one department or even the county government to affect on its own, but we believe improvements can be made in these areas through cooperation between departments and through partnerships with other government agencies, non-profits and the private sector.

Objective 1: Fewer Residents Living in Poverty

Objective 2: Better Access to Affordable Housing

Objective 3: Residents Realize Their Educational Potential

Objective 4: Fewer Residents Experience Hunger

Objective 5: Fewer Vulnerable Residents