COVID-19 State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds

Executive Summary:

Fulton County has been on the frontlines of responding to the immense public health and economic needs created by this COVID-19 crisis. Urgent assistance provided includes starting up testing  & vaccination sites, providing rental assistance, supporting small businesses, providing job training, delivering in-demand social services, and providing other supportive services to those affected by the pandemic.
This program is providing a substantial infusion of resources to our communities, working to turn the tide on the effects of the pandemic, address its economic fallout, and lay the foundation for a strong and equitable recovery for all Fulton county Citizens.
On June 17, 2021, Treasury released the Compliance and Reporting Guidance for the SLFRF Program. This guidance provided the additional detail and clarification that Fulton County needed to collect for compliance and reporting responsibilities.  In order to stay in compliance with the guidance, the County has created a transparency page as part of or push for open government that provides the required reporting requirements under the guidance provided by the U.S. Department of Treasury.   
This page is meant to provide our citizens with insight and details on how Fulton County plans to utilize the SSLFRF to serve those that have been impacted by the pandemic.  If you are interested in seeing the details behind each of the report sections, please click on the boxes below, and it will take you to a link that will provide details for that specific section.