Report on Emergency Rent & Utility Assistance Applications

The U.S. Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
The U.S. Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) of 2021 provided funding for emergency assistance for rent and utilities (water, gas, power) resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, for which eligible Fulton County residents living outside the City of Atlanta can apply.

Fulton County received and allocated the following amounts for the implementation of this program:

Emergency Rental Assistance I - $18M
Emergency Rental Assistance II - $24.9M
Emergency Rental Assistance Reallocation - $50M
Fulton County Investment - $4M
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 
The CAA requires that residents must meet the following eligibility requirements as established by the federal government:
  1.  Incomes less than 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI).
  2.  One or more individuals in the household has qualified for unemployment benefits or can attest in writing that they have experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs, or experienced other financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic; and
  3. One or more individuals in the household can demonstrate a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability which may include a past due utility or rent notice or an eviction notice; or unsafe or unhealthy living conditions; or any other evidence of such risk.
Households affected by unemployment for 90 days or more, and households with incomes at or below the 50 percent of AMI, will be prioritized.
Payments will be made directly to landlords and utility companies. Both parties need to sign off and provide documentation.
More information on the CAA can be found at
Report Contents
Below is a brief description and list of the type of information that you will find on these CAA Funding pages in order for the public to understand how Fulton County has allocated out these federal dollars with input from health & human services professionals, emergency response agencies, non-profits, lenders, and other jurisdictions.
Terms & Definitions
This link opens (in a new tab) a glossary of terms & definitions used on these pages.