All People Trust Government is Efficient, Effective, and Fiscally Sound

In order to deliver on the citizen-centric priority above, Fulton County government must recruit and develop a competent, engaged workforce and maintain a collection of facilities, equipment and technology in a way that enables high performance. In addition, the County must manage its finances wisely and develop and follow policies that promote both efficient and effective practices. Finally, the government must promote trust among its citizens by regularly reporting on its performance, conducting itself in a transparent and legal manner, and engaging with its residents in setting the direction of County government.
Strategic Level Measures
Strategic performance measures track activities which often extend beyond the power of one department or even the county government to affect on its own, but we believe improvements can be made in these areas through cooperation between departments and through partnerships with other government agencies, non-profits and the private sector. 
Objective 1: Citizen Trust and Engagement

Objective 2: Compliance with Relevant Laws and Standards

Objective 3: Technology and Facility Infrastructure

Objective 4: Financial Performance

Objective 5: Human Resource Management